Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Price List | 价目单价目表 | Details | |
Price Margin | 价格保证金 | Details | |
Original Price | 原价 | Details | |
Offering Discount? | 提供折扣? | Details | |
Price Options | 价格选择 | Details | |
Provide a title for this Price list item. | 为此价格清单项目提供标题。↵ ↵ | Details | |
Provide a title for this Price list item.
Warning: Translation should not end on newline.
为此价格清单项目提供标题。↵ ↵
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Provide a title for this Price list item. | 为此价格清单项目提供标题。↵ | Details | |
Provide a title for this Price list item.
Warning: Translation should not end on newline.
You have to log in to edit this translation.
Provide a title for this Price list item. | 为此价格清单项目提供标题。 | Details | |
Provide a title for this Price list item. 为此价格清单项目提供标题。
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Product 1 | 产品1 | Details | |
Price Margin | 价格保证金 | Details | |
Price Hover Color | 价格悬停颜色 | Details | |
Description Typography | 描述排版 | Details | |
Title Margin | 标题保证金 | Details | |
Title Hover Color | 标题悬停颜色 | Details | |
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